top 10 twitter hacks

interesante post que recupero después de apuntarlo en mi cuaderno esta semana, no recuerdo bien de dónde (sorry) pero supongo que será vía twittea

resumen (VERY INTERESTING !!!) ::

1) Be a Good Twitter Citizen (…) And remember that, while it offers the immediacy of SMS texting, Twitter offers the permanence of blogging. What you say on Twitter stays on Twitter.

2) Send Direct Messages Faster (…) If you want to DM a group of people at once, check out Twitter Groups.

3) Twitter Karma (…) To figure out who’s following whom, check out Twitter Karma.

4) Gauge Topic Traction Want to see if the Twitter community is chatting up or linking to a certain topic? You should check out any combination of Twitterverse, Twitterbuzz, Twitstat, and/or Tweetscan.

5) Visualize, Data Mine (…) Twitter Blocks allows you to visually navigate your Twitter community of friends and followers. Tweetstats is like Twitter CSI.

6) Fun with Twitter (…) Twittertale , Tweetspeak , Twitter Confessions , Twitterholic , Tweeterboard

7) What Does Twitter Look Like? Photophlow mashes the two sites together.

8) Save the World – A Reuters article points out that “these technologies all have a possible role to play in the aftermath of a natural disaster or human attack, when the danger is over, but not before. Why should anyone trust their lives and those of their families and friends, to systems which they cannot and do not trust even their credit card details to?”

9) Know the News First You can subscribe to plenty of news sources on Twitter, including Reuters, The New York Times, Google News and CNN Breaking News.

10) Take Twitter with You

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