.. entretenimiento digital ..

.. leo en el (nuevo) blog de uriondo sobre los resultados de un «interesante estudio elaborado por la compañía canadiense Sandvine, según el cual el entretenimiento ha superado al P2P como principal fuente de tráfico de Internet en el mundo» .. yo no conocía, ni el estudio, ni la compañía canadiense, pero sí que tenía esa percepción, así que me he animado a echar un vistazo esta noche de domingo .. extracto un poco del artículo en cuestión ..

» (…) web traffic including streamed videos and content downloads now accounts for 58.96 per cent of downstream bandwidth consumption per user. During the evening’s peak hours, this figure rises to 63.65 per cent. In comparison, P2P traffic makes up just 22.31 per cent of the traffic per user.

“Users are consuming a great deal of web content. The “traditional” browsing experience is being replaced by more data-intensive sites rich in audio, video, pictures and so on», says Tom Donnelly, Sandvine’s EVP of Marketing and Sales. “So, while a typical web experience a few years ago was largely text- and image-driven, it is now much more interactive and engaging with motion and sound.”

This mean users are increasingly sitting in front of their computers and being involved «live» in web activities, rather than adding to the massive demand for bandwidth that is the inevitable corollary of P2P interaction and that is characterised by computers pulling content from the web for later consumption by the user.

“During peak hours, subscribers are going online to interact and to be entertained. The key finding of this research is that subscribers are participating in real time, sitting at their computers and actively participating,” says Donnelly.

.. (muy) interesante .. por cierto, el estudio utiliza datos reales de tráfico en redes de varios países durante unos meses de este año 2008 ..

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