.. vía el siempre interesante tuiter de @techxav llego a este link de malcom coles en el que analiza el tráfico que, desde twitter, les llega a los principales medios online .. interesantes números (y bastante diferentes a los que muchos de los usuarios habituales de twitter podríamos seguramente haber dicho 😉 .. resumo algunos de los datos:
- Adam Sherk found that Twitter drives less than 1% of traffic to the US newspaper and magazine sites he asked (but noted that this still makes it «a top 25 referrer for all the sites and top 10 referrers for most»).
- Malcom Coles habla en su artículo del análisis en medios británicos, y coinciden más o menos en algo inferior .. for Daily Mail, Telegraph, and Guardian, near 0.5% of their referrer traffic is from Twitter (alrededor de 10,000 visitantes al día) .. as with the US, this puts Twitter in or near the top 10 referrers ..
- Interpreting Twitter traffic is notoriously hard – you can measure traffic that comes from twitter.com (although not always if it’s using a URL shortener that frames the target page). Measuring traffic from other desktop clients (tweetdeck etc) is much harder. @dirktherabbit pointed out recently that less than 20% of people access Twitter through the web. Malcom apunta que «between 2 and 4 times as much traffic comes from desktop clients as twitter.com» ..